Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Party Preps: Loot Prizes

Giveaways and Prizes for Jacob's Party are always BIG THING to me -- I always try to find time to personalize it or put my own touch especially with our party themes!
I thought it would be easier for me to find Justice League themed items and prizes in Divilandia - but I was ssooo wrong! So, genetic designed items are always big catch to me -- It's just that it requires a lot of effort to make these prizes and loots special.

Here's a photo of from my Instagram account (IG: SASHABELLE_GARCIA) of what I did on ,y 1st night doing Jacob's Party Prizes.

Since I'm on a budget (well, I don't know how much budget! haha) I used the black ribbon from Jacob's Last Backyardigans Pirate Party (it's a left over!)

Whatcha think, guys?



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