Friday, July 27, 2012

Crown Centerpiece

I'm a huge s*cker for Huge Centerpiece, after I saw this concept from one of our client's party.
See details here

The same client, ordered and custom-made this centerpiece for her friend's daughter.
A Huge crown centerpiece for Princess/Garden Themed Party.
Credits to Ms. Kristine Pangilinan of Kiko's Balloons for the added glam and photo.

And some photos from the party setup (Thank You Ms. Kristine!) She's my ever reliable party decorator for 2 years in a row!

Stage decor

Fancy Nancy Table Centerpiece: Actual Photo

I already made a post regarding this centerpiece, but we a peg only in my mind. Click details here

But now, I got a hold of the actual centerpiece from the party! It's been a loongg overdue photo and post (I'm quite tied up with work and pregnancy blues, arrghh)

Here's the actual photo:

Fancy Nancy Table Centerpiece
 Isn't it a La La Love?